Bioactive Terrarium Keepers
Bioactive Terrarium Keepers

Bioactive Terrarium Keepers

7 חברים

Been a little while since I've done a terrarium update but here's how its going!
Did quite a bit of rearranging since the last update, added some fittonias and more pothos, some more spanish moss. Added some things, removed some things and the resident Mourning Geckos are loving it. Just waiting for them to reach egg laying age to get the colony going- they are 5 months old!
#bioactive #terrarium #plants #moss #isopods #mourninggecko #gecko


I finally got my hands on some Spanish Moss 🤪 It took me forever to find some! Unfortunately I did not get enough to make a fuller canopy for the Mourning Geckos but this will give me the opportunity to see if I can keep it alive and thriving. I read they need really good airflow so I bought an adjustable speed mini fan and will be getting it tomorrow.
#bioactive #terrarium #vivarium #isopods #moss #plants #mourninggecko


Day 8 of the bioactive terrarium. It is now ready for its Mourning gecko inhabitants! The canopy above is complete with fake plastic plants. I added more shells and rocks to the ground cover and the chia sprouts have tripled in size. I added some moss as well to maintain humidity. This is probably the best terrarium I have ever set up and I'm so happy with how its turned out 🤩 😄
The Mourning geckos should arrive here by the middle of the week if all goes well.
#bioactive #terrarium #plants #moss #isopods #mourninggecko #geckos


Day 4 of the 10gal bioactive terrarium, added some fake articulating vines, fake greenery (the Pothos and Orchid are real) and a fake piece of driftwood- hopefully I can replace it with a real one in the future. The chia seeds I scattered for my isopods to munch on once they sprouted have, well, sprouted and its all starting to come together really nicely! In a few months once everything is established and I'm confident the live plants will thrive I will possibly be able to add a mourning gecko to the setup 😄
#bioactive #terrarium #isopods #plants #mourninggecko


The terrarium is set up! I went ahead and bit the bullet to put some plants in. I put in a pothos cutting and an orchid (something that I'm at least 95% positive will do just fine 😉). Now its just a waiting game until the cleanup crew and plants establish and then I can look forward to adding some mourning geckos! I might also add in some other plants down the line, hoping to find some nice hardy and small ground cover plants and maybe some mosses.
#terrarium #bioactive #plants #isopods #mourninggecko #geckos
