Uncommon Colubrid Keepers
Uncommon Colubrid Keepers

Uncommon Colubrid Keepers

18 Members

My Eastern fox snake (pantherophis gloydi) Spots! My buddy got a permit to collect the mama in Kent Co Michigan. Turned out she was gravid. So yay!! Gave several to close friends then released the rest. What uncommon snake do you have and how did you get into them? (Pictured Spots and his mama)


Even in shed Spots is gorgeous. #easternfoxsnake


Man, this group is hopping! 😅 what do ya'll keep and how do you keep them? I have a little of everything not red and do bioactive enclosures. Getting ready to move some kiddos up to 4x2x2's to free up a 50g and a 4x2x1.5 for other friends. I also just finished a 4x3x2 for a rescue BCC I'm taking in this Wednesday.


Hey ya'll! I wanted to know what you keep (colubrid or other)?

We have 3 ball pythons, a coastal rosey boa, a corn snake, a fox snake, and a leopard gecko. Pics for tax.


What? Is there something in my teef?


Well for me I've never been one for run of the mill, "trendy" reps. Most of my colubrids are at least in this country, not commonly kept. I have Ladder Snakes, Yunnan Mountain Ratsnakes, Ridleys Cave Racers,Western fourlined Snake, Diadem Snakes and a Black Tailed Cribo. They are probably the most unusual species I keep. Since Royal Pythons have taken off it seems a lot of the diversity has crashed. I miss the days of being able to go into reptile shops and find things like various Water Snakes, Racers and Coachwhips.