Herps of Minnesota
Herps of Minnesota

Herps of Minnesota

10 Members

Thanks for letting me join! New #motherofdragons here! I believe my little lady to be 3 months old only, i was told she was a juvenile from the previous owner but with how she measured when i first got her i wouldnt say that was acurate 🤣 my other gal is for my daughter who i believe to be about 6 months. I also love to cricut in my spare time and etch whatever i can get my hands on. Started a roach colony this last weekend. Building a custom background for my babies enclosure ... i think thats about it. Just happy to be apart of this community and adventure ✨️ 😊

Sup! Can we get a picture thread going? Just of our critters? I'll post later on when off my phone.

Hello! Made this group after searching Minnesota and seeing no MN specific groups! Join us and embrace the keeping of all things herp in MN!