Cold Blooded Bugs & Help
Cold Blooded Bugs & Help

Cold Blooded Bugs & Help

8 Members

Glitch / Bug

When posting to one of my groups, posting a near max limit post with 6 photos, I got a pop-up message saying my post can't be posted empty and then when trying to leave the page, I was asked if I was sure I wanted to leave my current post, which on my screen showed nothing. (Not even the post I was working on) & when I canclled it and opened up the thread to maybe check, everything I posted popped up again. I thought maybe it was the photos that broke it, so I removed the photos, went to share it again, and it shared. But the photos I deleted from the post, posted anyway, even after being removed.
Screenshot shows the message I got.

Screenshot - 7c39703f3b5946a624bc51944a9005fe - Gyazo

Screenshot - 7c39703f3b5946a624bc51944a9005fe - Gyazo

Gyazo is the easiest way to record screenshots & videos you can share instantly. Save time with async visual communication that's effortless and engaging.

When creating or editing a group, the only sign of a description being to long is having to type enough to show a couple of red dots, which don't stop / warn you of your limit, and infact will allow you to keep typing however much AND post it. But when refreshing page / or checking the page's description, you'll see it had been cut off / deleted past these red dots.

A nice update / fix would be to have a number of charaters showing how much you can type / how much you have left to type (like when making a post such as this and seeing how many words I have left) or to make it so while typing, you can't type anymore past those dots.

Saving time and some frustration.


Hi All! I am Brittni with CB. Thank you for telling me about this group! I do also have forums started for you all to share bugs/suggestions. That way, I get the notifications right away!

You can also message me the information directly.



Suggestion/Idea: Add different type of verification marks.
Such as users who verify that they own that account, which would be the basic.
Verified Staff, users who are verified reinforcement for the website.
Verified Developers, users who develope/create the site.
Verified Owner/Owners, owners of the website.
Verified Donators, people who donate to the website.
Verified Pros, people who are verified Pro ranks on the website.

Suggestion/idea: Add group roles that are shown to those who are in the group, such as Owner, Admin, Moderators, Members, etc.
+ brownie points if you allow people to make their own group member rank names.

Bug Fix: Banned/punished users, when clicking on their page, just doesn't load. No uknown errors, errors, banned sign or anything of the sort. Should probably at least add something.