North Carolina Herpers
North Carolina Herpers

North Carolina Herpers

16 Members

well my reptile tank is slowily coming along. I have a crayfish in it right now to seeif it lives ok. was told the stuff in the IBC tote was non toxic. but i want to make sure before I put any reptiles in it. I cleaned it 4 times , twice with bleach and twice with dish washing liquid.


Greensboro here, anyone else in Greensboro? just moved back from Florida, FWC sucks, no freedom to own reptiles there. glad to be back to N.C. where you can at least have an Iguana. hopeing to get more reptiles soon. but going to set up back up power systems before doing so as back in the 90's ( yeah I am 61 ) I lost about $1,800 worth of reptiles one winter when the power went out for several days in an ice storm. I had mostly caimans and monitors.