Crested Gecko Breeders
Crested Gecko Breeders

Crested Gecko Breeders

59 Members

I am an up-and-coming breeder in the future. This is my male named Leki pronouced Licky. He's a yellow base of what I was told is a Harlequin morph. I have had others tell me that he looks pin.
I am trying to find a female that would go well with him. I am not wanting to go crazy high-end. Where I am just wanting to do a fun small project with him. I have had a lot of people tell me to go dark line with him and play with his current strengths where he is a yellow base already. I am also planning on getting another male at a later date. But I was planning on using this guy because he is a decent mid-quality already.

I know he isn't high-end or extreme with anything. I am not planning on going high-end where I don't have a hell of a lot of funds. I am planning on sticking with what I have and going from there. Got to start some place.
Yes, I am not planning on super high quality stuff then nobody would be able to afford to own a crestie. Not everyone needs to do crazy high end stuff. My plan is to just do some small stuff and not get crazy big.


I have 4 eggs from this girl cookin, she was paired with a Dalmation, hoping for her color with spots.


Just retired one of my females and put this guy in with 2 new ones. I am looking forward to seeing some more babies. The lighting in the room adds yellow, he is a cream.


Cage cleaning day with the baby cresties. Took a chance to get a pic of a group of them together while in a holding container.


These two were given to me in a 12*12*18 with nothing but them and a rock in it.... Well and the two eggs so I gave them a major upgrade and let them continue breeding but that's where my love for cresties came from now they make beautiful babies of all different colors.
