
    Sign in with MM

    I first signed up with CB before the option to login with MM was available, but when I try to sign in with MM, it has me create a whole new profile. Was there not a way to merge these, or am i going to have 2 separate accounts?

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    2 Replies


    Brittni Alyse·

    If you already created an account, please log in normally and not through MM. If this account was made with the same email as your MM store, your page should automatically show up under "My Pages." If it was created with a different email, please let us know, and we will be happy to see what our tech team can do.


    Pinstripe Exotics·

    BrittnisZoo wrote:
    If you already created an account, please log in normally and not through MM. If this account was made with the same email as your MM store, your page should automatically show up under "My Pages." If it was created with a different email, please let us know, and we will be happy to see what our tech team can do.

    It was made with a different email. I have actually changed the MM email to match to see if that would help but, alas, here we are lol.