
    Sales allowed?

    Are we allowed to post reptiles and feeders for sale here?

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    2 Replies


    Brittni Alyse·

    Hi Conner! We are currently syncing all MorphMarket stores with the site. Anyone who sells on MM will also have their listings here. We are looking into a membership option for non-MM sellers to sell other items, such as feeders.
    We should have more information on this soon!


    Danielle White·

    BrittnisZoo wrote:
    Hi Conner! We are currently syncing all MorphMarket stores with the site. Anyone who sells on MM will also have their listings here. We are looking into a membership option for non-MM sellers to sell other items, such as feeders.
    We should have more information on this soon!

    How do we see the listings here? Or is that still coming?